Emotional Health Archives - Page 3 of 4 - Aura Wellness Center

Emotional Health

Yogic Healing for Emotional Health

What is it about yogic discipline that does so much to improve the practitioner’s mood and emotional health? The stretches and asanas of yoga are excellent stress reducers to be sure, but it goes deeper than that. When meditative breathing techniques are incorporated into a routine, yoga achieves what no other form of exercise can. Practitioners say that regular yoga sessions reduce or even eliminate feelings of hostility and make day-to-day problems easier to manage.

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Improving Moods with Yoga

According to Dr. Madan Kataria, the founder of Laughter Yoga, maintaining a good mood is as simple as being able to control one’s reactions to positive and negative emotions. To operate effectively, the brain needs approximately 25% more oxygen than the other organs in the body. Yoga not only produces natural chemicals that calm the mind, but it also increases the supply of freshly oxygenated blood to the brain.

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Yoga to Manage Mood Swings

Few things can put someone on edge the way that an overload of stress can. This can in turn lead to moodiness and outbursts that can harm personal, professional and familial relationships, causing further deterioration of a person’s mental health, even among those who have never been diagnosed with anxiety or stress-related disorders. Yoga can help through preventing this overload of stress and working to calm anxiety. In fact, yoga can even increase tolerance to stressful events by moderating uncomfortable physiological responses like raised blood-pressure and heart-rate.

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Emotional Health – Tasteless Depression

The condition of a depressed man is much like the sun, which hides behind dark clouds. It is not permanent state of mind, because whenever these clouds scatter the sun will definitely shine. So, for a while it is essential to understand the condition of this person. Only through loving behavior of others, and within himself, will he feel long-term states of happiness. This will enable him to improve himself, instead of neglecting his depressive state.

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Yoga for Anger Management

By Kimaya Singh and Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP Is Yoga for anger management realistic? How can Yoga help people with anger management? Every person feels anger at some point. It is a natural emotion that has its roots in jealousy, hatred, outrage, or frustration. Regardless of its cause, anger has negative effects on …

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Yoga for Coping with Loss

Truly eliminating the effects of loss may never be possible. In these cases, it is still possible to greatly improve the outlook and disposition of a person in grief. Whatever the ultimate result, applying yoga training to real life situations is a constructive means of dealing with traumatic events.

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Yoga Poses For The Holidays

Yoga poses that open up the heart area help to cultivate a deep sense of compassion for others and us. Practicing a brief period of meditation focused on compassion after practicing Yoga asanas that stimulate and open the heart region will help to solidify this awareness. In the past few years, researchers have been able to pinpoint the beneficial consequences of nurturing compassionate thoughts through magnetic resonance imaging devices of the brain.

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