Three Easy Yoga Relaxation Techniques - Aura Wellness Center

Three Easy Yoga Relaxation Techniques

yoga relaxationBy Gopi Rao and Faye Martins

Do you want a relaxation technique but think it might be a bit complicated? Yogic relaxation techniques are easy to perform and benefit the mind and body by bringing about states of inner calm. Below are a few variations, but there are many more that you might find helpful for teaching Yoga training sessions or practicing at home.  If you want to become a Yoga teacher, it is wise to be familiar with them because they serve as a bridge for students who have difficulty with meditation. Additionally, workshops that teach relaxation techniques are very popular.


Instant Yoga Relaxation Technique

The instant relaxation technique is performed by bringing your legs together, joining the heels and toes with the palms of your hands by your side. Maintain a relaxed and smiling face throughout. Contract muscles begin with your toes, then contract joints in the ankles and tighten the calf muscles.


Contract muscles in the thighs and then the buttocks. Exhale and then pull in the abdomen muscles. Make fists, contract the forearm flexors, and tighten the upper arms. Inhale and expand the back and chest. Tighten the shoulders, neck, and facial muscles.


Tighten all the muscles in the body from your toes up to your head and hold for a few moments. Then relax your muscles and entire body. Part the arms and legs, with palms facing the ceiling. Choose the most comfortable position and let the body sink. Allow all the muscle groups to relax. Relax your whole body and enjoy the relaxation.


Quick Yoga Relaxation Technique

The quick relaxation technique begins with the position of Shavasana or the corpse pose. It has three phases. The first phase starts by perceiving the abdominal movements. Observe the movement of abdominal muscles as you breathe in and out.


Complete this phase with five cycles. The next phase involves coordinating the movement of the abdominal muscles with breathing. The abdomen moves up with inhalation and down with exhalation for five cycles. The third phase involves breathing deeply and slowly to energize the body and give you a sense of lightness.


As you exhale, completely collapse all the muscles and enjoy the relaxation for five cycles. Chant “Aum” in a low tone as you slowly exhale while feeling the vibrations in your lower body. Slowly come up from either the right or left side of the body.


Deep Yogic Relaxation Technique (Stage-by-Stage)

The deep relaxation technique stimulates parts of the brain with physical movement. The body is relaxed part by part, starting at the toes and moving up to the scalp and the brain. The subconscious mind begins to surface when the process of mental relaxation affects the whole surface of the brain, harmonizing the brain waves.

The Witness

You will begin to float between consciousness and deep relaxation. Secondly, you are then a witness to your thoughts, breath, and body. Thirdly, you can remain in this witness state as long as you choose. Finally, you might consider consulting a qualified Yoga teacher when practicing this technique since it helps to get feedback from a skilled teacher.


What About Yoga Nidra?

I know I posted three techniques already, but it wouldn’t be fair to leave you without a bonus. Sorry, I can’t resist giving you the king of relaxation techniques. Some people feel more relaxed from a Yoga Nidra session than any other technique. Some will say Yoga Nidra is different from relaxation or meditation. On that point, I would agree, but if you want a good taste of deep relaxation, Yoga Nidra is a front-runner, and anything else pales in comparison. Yes, I have definite opinions, but one or two sessions will make you a believer.


Complementary Poses

There are a lot of things in life that can cause stress and tension. Work, family, and personal relationships can all contribute to an overall feeling of being on edge. When you’re feeling stressed out, it can be hard to relax. That’s why you must have some relaxation techniques that you can use on demand. Yoga is a great way to relax and de-stress. There are many different yoga poses and breathing exercises that can help you to feel more relaxed. Here are three easy yoga relaxation poses that you can use on-demand:

1. Child’s Pose: This pose is straightforward and calming. You need to kneel on the ground and then rest your forehead and arms on the ground in front of you. Stay in this position for as long as you like. Focus on your breath and let your mind wander.

2. Leg Up the Wall Pose: This pose is excellent for relieving leg and lower back tension. Sit with your butt up against a wall and then lift your legs to rest against the wall. Stay in this position for a few minutes, focusing on your breath.

3. Corpse Pose: This is the classic relaxation pose in yoga. You lie down on your back with your arms at your sides and let your whole body relax. Focus on your breath and let yourself drift off into a peaceful sleep.


Supplemental Information

When it comes to relaxation, you want something that is convenient and easy to access. That’s why having yoga techniques that you can use on demand is so important. Here are three easy yoga relaxation techniques that you can use to get the relief you need:

1. Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This technique involves tensing and relaxing each muscle group in your body systematically. Start by tense your toes and feet for 5-10 seconds before releasing the tension. Continue working your way up your body, tensing and relaxing each muscle group until you reach your head and face.

2. Breath Focus: Another easy yoga relaxation technique is breath focus. Simply pay attention to your breath and count each inhale and exhale. You can also try deep breathing exercises, inhaling slowly through your nose and exhaling fully through your mouth.

3. Visualization: Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you relax both mentally and physically. Close your eyes and imagine yourself in a peaceful place, such as a beach or a meadow. Take in all the details of your surroundings—the sound of the waves crashing or the smell of the flowers—and let yourself truly relax in the moment.

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  8. The deep relaxation technique works by stimulating parts of the brain with physical movement. The body is relaxed part by part starting at the toes and moving all the way up to the scalp and actually the brain.

  9. Pingback: Migraine relief study says yoga can help – NewsCity.Live

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