Morning Glories, Yoga and the Throat Chakra - Aura Wellness Center

Morning Glories, Yoga and the Throat Chakra

Yoga and the Throat ChakraBy: Virginia Iversen, M.Ed

What is the relationship between Yoga and the Throat Chakra? The radiance and beauty of the blue-purple morning glory flower are beyond dispute. In the sun’s early morning rays, this enticing, beautiful flower opens to the bourgeoning warmth of the sun’s rays. The blue-purple morning glory most closely resembles the scintillating colors of the Throat Chakra. The Throat Chakra is also known as the Fifth Chakra in the Yogic system of the swirling energy vortexes found along the body’s central axis. In Sanskrit, the Throat Chakra is known as the Visuddha Chakra.


Properties of Visuddha Chakra

According to ancient mystic Yogis and Yoginis, this chakra is a sixteen-petal flower that pulsates with a bluish-purple color. Upon this, the sixteen letters of the Sanskrit vowels are written in gold. At the center of the Visuddha Chakra is a pure white color where its bija or seed mantra resonates with the sound “ham.” One of the most well-known Sanskrit mantras is So-Ham. When this mantra is repeated for an extended period, it will help to remove blockages in the Throat Chakra area. Reciting this mantra also helps to soothe the heart and balance the movement of prana between the Heart and Throat Chakras.

Understanding a Blockage

When the Throat Chakra is blocked, our sense of self and the ability to verbalize our thoughts and feelings is also blocked. Energetically, this blockage prevents the Kundalini energy from freely rising to the Crown Chakra. When the Throat Chakra is blocked from traumatic emotional experiences, physical injuries, and illnesses, our life force energy can also become blocked and stagnant. According to some Yogic teachings, one of the primary reasons for a blocked Throat Chakra is a feeling of guilt.


More Reasons for a Blockage

Some other reasons for a blocked Throat Chakra may include not wanting to be truly visible to those around us because of the vulnerability that visibility may generate or a deep-seated shame that surfaces when our needs become evident. If you focus on your Throat Chakra, you can feel if this area is contracted and closed down viscerally. If so, you may experience tension throughout the front of your neck and hunched-up shoulders, trying to protect you from the potential backlash of speaking up for yourself.

As a Yoga practitioner, you have many options for keeping your Visuddha Chakra area vibrant and energized. Some physical postures of Yoga that help keep this chakra healthy and balanced are Shoulder Stand, Plow, and Camel Pose. Additionally, several pranayama exercises help to remove energetic obstructions throughout the entire chakra system. Khechari Mudra and Jalandhara Banda also help to nurture a healthy Visuddha Chakra.


Camel Pose

Camel Pose is one of the most influential Yoga postures for opening up the Throat Chakra and the entire front side of the body. To practice Camel Pose, warm up first with a series of Sun Salutations. If you are not familiar with the poses of the Sun Salutations, please refer to a reputable Yoga teacher training website or visit a professional Yoga studio in your area for personalized instruction. Camel Pose is usually practiced after warming up with Sun Salutations and Standing Yoga poses.

When warmed up and ready to practice Camel Pose, kneel at the front of your Yoga mat. Keep your knees comfortably far apart and parallel to the sides of your mat. With an inhale, raise your arms overhead, and then fluidly bring them down and place your palms on your lower back with your fingers facing up. If you are feeling quite flexible today, you may wish to increase the intensity of the pose by placing your hands on your ankles. Keep breathing deeply, and gracefully open your chest area with an exhale by gently dropping your head back.

Precautions for Yoga and the Throat Chakra

If you have a neck injury, you may wish to keep your gaze straight ahead and not drop your head back. Hold this pose for 3-5 complete breaths, and with your next inhale, release your hands and return to a kneeling position on your Yoga mat. Slowly fold down into Child’s Pose and rest briefly before repeating Camel Pose twice. During a Yoga class, Camel Pose is usually followed by several more back-bending poses before moving on to seated forward folds, inversions, and Shavasana.

© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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Yoga and the Throat Chakra

By Sanjeev Patel, Kimaya Singh, and Gopi Rao

Today, we are focusing on a chakra that often gets overlooked but plays an essential role in finding our authentic voice: the Throat Chakra.

Just imagine how incredible it would be to express yourself freely and confidently, effortlessly communicating your thoughts and desires gracefully. This is precisely what a balanced Throat Chakra can offer you.

So, join us as we explore the significance of the Throat Chakra in your yoga practice and discover how incorporating specific asanas, breathing techniques, mantras, and affirmations can help you unlock this vital energy center within you. It’s time to let your voice be heard!


Understanding the Role of the Throat Chakra in Yoga Practice

The throat chakra, also known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit, is the fifth energy center in the body’s subtle system. Located at the base of the throat, it plays a crucial role in our ability to communicate and express ourselves authentically. Understanding and balancing this chakra in yoga can profoundly affect our overall well-being.

The throat chakra acts as a bridge between our thoughts and emotions and how we convey them to others. When this chakra is open and balanced, we can speak our truth with clarity, confidence, and compassion. Our communication becomes more effective, leading to stronger connections with others.

On the other hand, an imbalanced throat chakra may manifest in various ways. Difficulties expressing oneself or fear of public speaking are common signs of blockages in this energy center. Throat-related physical ailments such as sore throats or thyroid problems may also indicate an imbalance.

Yoga offers powerful tools for balancing and healing the throat chakra. Asanas that target this area include shoulder stands (Sarvangasana) and fish pose (Matsyasana), which help stimulate blood flow around the neck region.

In addition to physical postures, specific breathing techniques like Ujjayi pranayama can be particularly beneficial for opening up blocked energy channels associated with the throat chakra.

Incorporating mantras or affirmations can be highly effective in further strengthening this energy center during your yoga practice. The mantra “Ham” resonates with the vibration of Vishuddha Chakra when vocalized during meditation or chanting practices.

Regularly practicing yoga poses that address Vishuddha Chakra, breath work, and sound therapy techniques like chanting mantras aloud or silently repeating positive affirmations related to self-expression can enhance your connection to your authentic voice while promoting balance within yourself.

Understanding how important it is to balance your Throat Chakras will significantly impact your overall well-being.


Signs of an Imbalanced Throat Chakra

The throat chakra, also known as Vishuddha in Sanskrit, is the energy center at your throat’s base. It governs our ability to communicate effectively and express ourselves authentically. This chakra can manifest in various ways when it is out of balance.

One common sign of an imbalanced throat chakra is difficulty expressing oneself verbally. You may find it challenging to speak up for yourself or share your thoughts and ideas openly. On the other hand, you might also notice that you talk excessively or dominate conversations without listening to others.

Another indication of an imbalanced throat chakra is a fear of public speaking or performing in front of others. This fear can stem from a lack of self-confidence or a fear of judgment from others.

Physical symptoms such as chronic sore throats, thyroid issues, neck pain, and jaw tension can also indicate that your throat chakra needs attention.

Emotionally, you may struggle with insecurity or have difficulty setting boundaries with others. Suppressing emotions and not speaking your truth can lead to frustration and resentment.

By practicing yoga poses that specifically target the throat area, like shoulder stand (Sarvangasana) and fish pose (Matsyasana), you can stimulate energy flow through the throat chakra and help restore balance.

Breathing techniques like Ujjayi pranayama (victorious breath) are also beneficial for opening up the energy channels associated with this chakra.

Incorporating mantras such as “I speak my truth” during meditation or chanting sessions can help release blockages within the throat chakra while affirming positive communication patterns.

Remember that balancing the throat chakra takes time and patience. By consistently incorporating these practices into your yoga routine, you can strengthen and heal this vital energy center for more transparent communication, authentic expression, and harmonious relationships with yourself and others.


How Yoga Can Help Balance and Heal the Throat Chakra

Yoga has long been recognized as a powerful tool for healing and balancing the chakras, including the throat chakra. Through specific poses, breathing techniques, and mindful practices, yoga can help open up and restore balance to this energy center.

One of the critical ways that yoga can support the healing of the throat chakra is by encouraging self-expression. Many individuals with an imbalanced throat chakra struggle with communication issues or feel silenced somehow. Yoga helps cultivate awareness and mindfulness, allowing individuals to connect more deeply with their authentic selves and find their voice.

Specific asanas or poses are particularly beneficial for opening up the throat chakra. Poses such as Fish Pose (Matsyasana), Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana), Plow Pose (Halasana), Camel Pose (Ustrasana), and Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana) all target this area of the body, helping to release tension and stimulate energy flow.

In addition to physical postures, breathwork exercises are vital in balancing the throat chakra. Practices like Ujjayi Pranayama or Victorious Breath can help calm the mind while simultaneously activating and energizing the throat center.

Incorporating mantras into your practice is another effective technique for healing this energy center. Chanting sounds such as “ham” or repeating affirmations like “I speak my truth freely” can profoundly open up blocked energy in this region.

By regularly practicing these yoga techniques designed to heal and balance the throat chakra, you may notice positive changes on and off your mat. Your ability to communicate clearly, express yourself authentically, and confidently share your truth will likely improve over time.

Remember that working with blockages within our energetic system takes time and patience. Be consistent in your practice and gentle with yourself along the journey toward a balanced throat chakra.


Specific Asanas and Breathing Techniques for the Throat Chakra

Specific asanas (yoga postures) and breathing techniques can be incorporated into your practice to balance and heal the throat chakra. These practices help open the throat area and promote clear communication, self-expression, and creativity.

One powerful posture for the throat chakra is the Fish Pose (Matsyasana). This pose stretches the neck, opens the throat region, and stimulates energy flow. To practice Fish Pose, lie on your back with your legs extended. Place your hands under your hips, palms down. Lift your chest off the floor while pressing into your forearms and elbows to create an arch in your upper back.

Another beneficial asana for the throat chakra is the Shoulder Stand (Sarvangasana). This inverted pose helps activate Vishuddha by stimulating blood flow to this body area. To practice Shoulder Stand, lie on your back with arms alongside your body. Lift both legs together toward the ceiling so you come onto shoulders and upper arms supporting your lower back with hands before straightening your legs vertically.

In addition to these poses, incorporating deep belly breathing or Ujjayi Pranayama can enhance the healing of Vishuddha. Ujjayi breath involves inhaling deeply through the nose while slightly constricting muscles at the back of the throat, causing a soft hissing sound like ocean waves meeting shore during exhale from the mouth without moving lips apart too much.

Regularly practicing these asanas, along with conscious breathing techniques, can help bring balance to an imbalanced Throat Chakra. Consistency is critical; restoring harmony within this energy center may take time.

By engaging in these specific yoga postures and breathwork exercises tailored to target Vishuddha, you can activate this chakra’s potential for clarity of speech, confident self-expression, and authentic communication. Embrace the power of yoga and let it guide you toward a harmonious lifestyle.

Incorporating Mantras and Affirmations for a Stronger Throat Chakra

The power of sound is incredible. It can heal, transform, and uplift our spirits. Incorporating mantras and affirmations can be highly effective when balancing the throat chakra.

Mantras are sacred sounds or phrases used for centuries in various spiritual practices. By chanting specific mantras related to the throat chakra, we can stimulate its energy flow and bring it into balance.

One powerful mantra for the throat chakra is “Ham.” This mantra resonates with the ether element and helps clear any blockages in this energy center. Repeat this mantra during yoga or meditation to enhance your connection with your throat chakra.

Affirmations are positive statements that help reprogram our subconscious mind. We can strengthen our throat chakra’s energy by using affirmations focused on communication, self-expression, and authenticity.

Some examples of affirmations for the throat chakra include: “I express myself freely and confidently,” “My voice is strong and authentic,” or “I speak my truth with love.”

To incorporate these mantras and affirmations into your practice, find a quiet space to sit comfortably. Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths, and focus on your throat area. Then, start repeating either the chosen mantra or affirmation aloud or silently.

Allow yourself to fully embody the meaning behind these words as you visualize healing energy flowing through your throat chakra. With consistent practice over time, you will notice improved communication skills and a stronger sense of self-expression.

Remember that patience and consistency are essential when working with mantras and affirmations. Set aside dedicated time each day to incorporate them into your yoga practice or meditation routine.

Incorporating mantras like “Ham” and empowering affirmations focused on self-expression into our daily yoga practice can strengthen and balance our throat chakra.



Understanding and balancing our chakras is essential to achieving overall well-being and harmony. The throat chakra, in particular, plays a vital role in self-expression, communication, and authenticity. When this energy center is imbalanced, it can manifest as difficulties expressing oneself or speaking one’s truth.

Fortunately, yoga provides powerful tools to heal and balance the throat chakra. By incorporating specific asanas and breathing techniques into our practice, we can stimulate the energy flow in this area and promote its optimal functioning.

Through regular practice of poses like Fish Pose (Matsyasana), Plow Pose (Halasana), Lion’s Breath (Simhasana Pranayama), and Shoulderstand (Sarvangasana), we can activate the throat chakra and release any blockages that may be hindering our ability to express ourselves authentically.

In addition to physical practices, mantras can be incredibly beneficial for strengthening the throat chakra. Repeating affirmations such as “I speak my truth with confidence” or chanting the bija mantra “HAM” during meditation can help align this energy center and encourage clear communication.


Balancing the throat chakra through yoga practices like asanas, pranayama techniques, mantras, and affirmations enhances our ability to communicate effectively and foster a deeper connection with ourselves and others. A balanced throat chakra allows us to express our true selves without fear or hesitation.

Remember that healing takes time – like any muscle, it needs regular exercise to strengthen; your throat chakra requires ongoing attention through dedicated yoga practice. With patience, persistence, and mindfulness toward your body’s needs, you will gradually experience a profound transformation within yourself.

If you struggle with self-expression or feel disconnected from your authentic voice, consider incorporating these yoga practices into your routine. Embrace the power of the throat chakra and empower yourself.

© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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4 thoughts on “Morning Glories, Yoga and the Throat Chakra”

  1. The most forceful asana for balancing throat chakra is Matsya asana. We in India practice these asanaa for balancing various chakra-
    Setubandha asana for Mooladhara chakra
    Bhujangasana for Swadhisthan chakra
    Dhanurasana for Manipura chakra
    Ushtrasana for Anahat chakra
    Matsya asana for Vishudhi chakra
    Yogamurdasana for Ajnya chakra and
    Sarvangasana for Shahshara chakra.

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