Pranayama for Energy Cultivation and Good Health - Yoga Practice Blog

Pranayama for Energy Cultivation

pranayama for energy cultivationBy Faye Martins

Pranayama for energy cultivation makes perfect sense.  Pranayama is the cultivation of energy (prana) through the use of breathing techniques (pranayama). With the help of Pranayama for energy and a positive attitude, you have the power to ensure you are cultivating positive energy.

The deep, natural breath is a great way to cultivate positive energy. This is the breath of infants and is unlike the half breaths that adults are used to. Adults must consciously take natural breaths which allow complete expansion at the bottom of the lungs. This natural breath brings about positive energy by reducing anxiety and relieving the body of toxins. This technique must be practiced eight times a day for a few minutes each session to achieve optimal results.

Another breathing technique which cultivates energy is Kapalbhati Pranayama (the skull-shining breath). This Yogic breath is effective in the purification process. The skull-shining breath implies a purification of the energy channels within the head. It helps to expel excess carbon dioxide from the blood. It also helps stir up mucous with forceful exhalations. This breathing technique provides more energy and can be useful if you are feeling tired and must stay awake as it can refresh you.

Breath retention (kumbaka) by pausing after an inhale or an exhale is another technique used for energy cultivation. Before focusing on breath retention, you should be fully comfortable with other breathing techniques. As you breathe in, you should pause and enjoy the breath. When you exhale, you should relax and enjoy the release of the breath, while toxins are being released with it.

Make pranayama for energy cultivation a safe practice. You should consult your physician if you are practicing breath retention for any length of time. If you have high blood pressure, breath retention can possibly be harmful to your health. You should also discuss this with a qualified Yoga instructor before attempting this breathing technique to ensure your safety.

The alternate nostril breath (Nadi Sodhana or Anuloma Viloma) is another technique used to cultivate energy and is considered one of the most powerful breaths for controlling mental energy. This breathing technique balances the air flow into the right and left nostrils, and therefore, affects the right and left hemispheres of the brain. This technique is also the perfect way to prepare for meditation and can be used concurrently with other breathing techniques or preceding other techniques.

It is important to learn the classic Yoga breathing techniques in order to gain the full benefits of them. When practiced on a regular basis, you will be able to notice that they do affect your energy in a positive way. When you are feeling fatigued, you can use these techniques to regain your energy and go about your day.

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2 thoughts on “Pranayama for Energy Cultivation”

  1. With the help of Pranayama and a positive attitude, one can ensure that he or she is cultivating positive energy. So its truth that pranayama help to cultivate positive energy.

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