Yoga for Stress Management - Aura Wellness Center

Yoga for Stress Management

yoga for stress management

By Faye Martins and Dr. Paul Jerard, E-RYT 500, YACEP

Does yoga for stress management work? Yoga is an effective stress management tool because it takes a holistic approach to health care. Yoga not only helps to relax the mind and body, but it also teaches people how to be more mindful of their thoughts and emotions. When people are more aware of their inner thoughts and feelings, they can better manage their stress levels. In addition, Yoga helps to improve overall fitness, flexibility, and strength, which can also reduce stress levels.


Release Self-Criticism

One way to manage stress is to release self-criticism. When you’re wrapped up in negative thoughts about yourself, it’s easy to forget all of the good things about you. Yoga can help you to focus on your breath and let go of these negative thoughts. Instead of criticizing yourself, try to focus on your positive qualities. Accept yourself for who you are and know that you’re doing the best that you can. Also, on your Yoga journey you want to focus on the progress you make rather than dwelling on any mistakes. Learning a little each day is enough.


How to Relax

Yoga is a great way to relax and manage stress. Steady practice relaxes the mind and body while reducing tension. There are many different Yoga techniques that can be used to achieve this, so it’s important to find the ones that work best for you. If you’re new to Yoga, it’s a good idea to start with some basic poses and then add relaxation, meditation, or Yoga Nidra to your practice. Breathing exercises (pranayama) are also a key part of Yoga practice and help to calm the mind and body.


Practicing Yoga Poses

There are many different Yoga postures that can help to reduce stress. One of the most popular poses is the Warrior Pose. This pose helps to strengthen the muscles and improve balance. It also helps to increase energy and focus. Another popular posture is the Pose of a Child. This pose helps to stretch the chest, back, and hips, while it also calms the mind.


Yogic Breathing

Yogic breathing (pranayama) is a powerful tool for managing stress. When we breathe deeply and slowly, it sends a signal to our nervous system that it’s time to relax. This can help to lower our heart rate and blood pressure, while reducing anxiety and/or stress. Yogic breathing can be done anywhere, at any time, and doesn’t require any special equipment. Just a few minutes of deep breathing can make a big difference in how we’re feeling. Flowing styles such as Vinyasa, Ashtanga, and Power Yoga integrate Ujjayi breathing while students go through a sequence of movements. A style that holds postures (asanas) like Hatha, Yin and Restorative classes may have a separate segment for an exclusive pranayama practice time. In classes that hold postures, Diaphragmatic breathing is commonly practiced during asana practice.



While there are many different Yoga techniques that can help to relieve stress, one of the most important things to remember is the power of gratitude. Taking a moment to be thankful for what you have, even in the midst of stress, can help to reset your perspective and give you the strength to keep going. When you focus on what’s good in your life, it’s easier to let go of the negative thoughts and emotions that lead to stress. Additionally, being thankful for waking up sets the tone for the day.


Reflect on the Positive

One way to manage stress through Yoga is to take a few moments to reflect on the positive things in your life. This can help to shift your focus from the negative things that are causing you stress. It can be helpful to write down the things that you are grateful for each day. You can also reflect on the positive aspects of challenging situations that you are facing. Taking a few moments each day to focus on the positive can help you to reduce your overall stress levels.


Train the Mind

Learning how to control and focus the mind is an important part of life. A mind that is out of control leads us nowhere. Yoga for stress management can help with this by teaching individuals how to control their breathing and focus on the present moment. Mindful breathing simply connects the mind and body. This can help to break the cycle of negative thoughts and rumination that can contribute to stress and anxiety. In addition, the physical component of Yoga can also release tension from the body and promote relaxation. When the mind is focused, it is easier to let go of stressful thoughts and emotions.


Mindfulness Meditation

Granted, Yoga has many different meditation methods. However, mindfulness meditation is specifically an effective and popular way to manage stress. It involves focusing on the present moment and being aware of your thoughts and feelings. This can help you to be more in control of your emotions and reactions to stressful situations. Yoga is also a great way to reduce stress. It helps to relax the mind and body while it can also improve overall health.


Bedtime Yoga

One simple way to incorporate relaxation into your nightly routine is by doing some bedtime Yoga. There are many different poses that you can do in bed, and they can all help to relax your mind and body. Some poses to try include Pose of a Child, Cat-Cow Pose, and Legs-up-the-Wall pose. Spend a few minutes each night doing some bedtime Yoga, and you may find that you wake up feeling more rested and less stressed.


Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra is a form of sleep meditation that is specifically designed for stress management. It involves deep breathing and relaxation techniques that can help to reduce stress levels. Studies have shown that Yoga Nidra can be effective in reducing anxiety, improving sleep quality, and reducing stress-related symptoms such as headaches and fatigue. Lastly, anything that enhances healthy sleep patterns will change your life for the best.


Combining Methods for Complete Health

Firstly, change is difficult for most of us. Of course, we won’t admit that our habits cause part of our anxiety. Sometimes, the habits we should discard are small. Habits that cause us grief are negative thoughts, but how can we change? More positive thoughts, words, and actions cause changes in us and the world around us. Each positive vibration is a ripple in the pond of life. How can we start? Listen to music, use aromas that make you feel calm, and use these as tools during your bedtime Yoga routine.


Truly, one bedtime practice could change your life. Yet, someone who reads the advice above may choose to over eat, drink a coffee or a beer before sleep. That’s a great method for insomnia or broken sleep. Nevertheless, you now have the recipe to make a positive change before your next sleep cycle. Write your worries down and leave them on the kitchen table. When you are ready, practice a bedtime routine and Yoga Nidra. If you make a habit out of this routine, your life will change for the best with each new day.


Deepen Your Experience

When you deepen your experience of Yoga for stress management, you can use it as an effective tool for quality living. With a deeper understanding of the poses and the breath work involved, you can better control your body and mind during difficult times. This can lead to a more calm and collected state, even in the face of stressful situations. In addition, a regular Yoga practice can help to build up your resilience to stress over time. So if you’re looking for a way to manage stress effectively, consider deepening your Yoga experience.


© Copyright – Aura Wellness Center – Publications Division

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7 thoughts on “Yoga for Stress Management”

  1. Learning yoga for stress management is a lifetime journey, Thanks for sharing useful ideas, these are very helpful to enhance and deepen our yoga experience.

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